Con 15 anni di esperienza come consulente di sostenibilità e marketing per i settori dell'ospitalità e della moda, sono diventato una voce di riferimento nella promozione di pratiche responsabili. Come fondatore dell'European Sustainable Hospitality Club (ESHClub) e del marchio di moda sostenibile THE LABORATOIRE, il mio obiettivo è ridefinire le industrie attraverso innovazione e creatività.
Sono laureato in Turismo, con un Master in Gestione Alberghiera e un Master in Turismo, Sostenibilità e Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione, che hanno plasmato il mio approccio alla sostenibilità in diversi settori.
Sono autore della guida al upcycling "From Trash to Runway", Key Opinion Leader in sostenibilità nei settori della moda e del turismo, e collaboratore di organizzazioni come il Comune di Barcellona, dove ho co-sviluppato il Piano Strategico di Sostenibilità (2017-2019), stabilendo nuovi standard per il settore dell'ospitalità.
Come Designer di Upcycling di Moda, creo pezzi unici ed eleganti esclusivamente utilizzando materiali riciclati e riutilizzati per THE LABORATOIRE, fondendo sostenibilità e arte in ogni mia creazione.
La mia curiosità va oltre la sostenibilità convenzionale. Sono un orgoglioso membro della Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) e mi impegno a esplorare come le Tecnologie di Origine Sconosciuta (TUO) e i progressi associati ai Fenomeni Aerei Non Identificati (UAP) possano trasformare la nostra comprensione della sostenibilità.
In attesa di iniziare un dottorato incentrato sull'intersezione tra queste tecnologie e la sostenibilità, utilizzo questa piattaforma come spazio per condividere scoperte, riflessioni e prospettive sugli UAP, UFO, TUO e le loro implicazioni per un futuro sostenibile.
Attraverso il mio blog, cerco di promuovere un dialogo su questi argomenti d'avanguardia, combinando curiosità, ricerca e una visione di un mondo dove innovazione e responsabilità vanno di pari passo.
Unisciti a me in questo affascinante viaggio, connettendo i punti tra visibile e invisibile, noto e ignoto, nella ricerca di un futuro migliore e più sostenibile.
Who am I?
Just a bit of my background...
Here you can find some of the things I've done
On the Move: Trains Over Planes
As a committed advocate for sustainability, I pledge to choose trains over planes whenever possible. By reducing my reliance on air travel, I can minimize my carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future for all.
Sustainable Living, Sustainable Future
I am passionate about living a sustainable lifestyle both personally and professionally. By making a conscious effort to reduce my impact on the environment, I can set an example for others and inspire positive change.
Breaking Up (Bye-Bye!) with Plastic
I am committed to reducing my use of plastic in all areas of my life. From single-use water bottles to plastic packaging, I will seek out eco-friendly alternatives and make a conscious effort to minimize my plastic waste.
Living la Vida... Circular
Whenever is not possible to avoid a plastic container or plastic item, I use creativity in order to reuse it and give it a more permanent second life to prevent it from becoming land waste.
No to Fast Fashion
I believe in upcycling clothes as a way to reduce waste and promote circularity. I will upcycle my own clothes and encourage others to do the same. By giving old clothes new life, we can reduce the environmental impact of fashion and preserve resources for future generations.
Upcycling is the New Black
I pledge to never purchase fast fashion again. I recognize that fast fashion is a major contributor to environmental degradation and exploitation of workers. Instead, I will invest in high-quality, timeless pieces that are made sustainably and ethically. By making conscious choices about what we wear, we can promote a more responsible and equitable fashion industry.
We all are the
I began my career in sustainability consultancy for hotels when the United Nations established the initial 8 Millennium Development Goals. When the UN switched to the Sustainable Development Goals, I saw it as a significant improvement and immediately focused on developing the Sustainability Strategic Plan for hotels in Barcelona with Barcelona + Sostenible from the City Hall.
Today, as a Key Influential Profile in sustainability issues in both the travel and fashion industries, I am committed to working with the UN to create and disseminate information that can generate a positive impact across the different goals. My goal is to create greater awareness and promote sustainable practices that lead to a more equitable and responsible world.
I provide knowledge and create awareness through my channels about the impact of fashion in the environment and society, accessible for everyone.
Promotion of sharing economy and social economy through upcycling, relying on local seamstresses to help us with sewing instead of buying clothes from big corporations.
Part of my job is to invert what the fashion industry is generating. What I do is create awareness about the necessity of decreasing overconsumption and increasing clothes reutilization and second hand shopping.
Promoting upcycling I try to decrease the impacts that the fashion industry has in aggravating the microfiber pollution in our oceans.
I stand for gender equality, liberty and fluidity – as well as the reduction of inequalities –, acknowledging it as basic in this era.
Considering the significant potential for a circular business model in the fashion industry, I promote circularity by promoting second hand stores and reclaimed fabrics stores.
A key in responding to climate change is decrease consumerism and creation of new materials and fabrics. We already have a bunch that can be upcycled and recycled. Let's stop the madness.
By upcycling, we contribute to stop biodiversity loss and deforestation, as well as to avoid fabrics to end up in the landfills.
Supporting my work
Entities that believe in what I do